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Concrete admixtures (1 listing)


The construction site is constantly improving in accordance with modern requirements. Thus, in order to prolong the life of any building, new products appear on the market today.

As in the past, concrete remains the most sought after material today. It is clear that concrete is widely used in the construction of construction projects that require durability. In this case, one of the factors that make buildings more durable and long-lasting is the addition of concrete. These additives add additional positive properties to the concrete and ensure that it is more durable.

Thus, concrete admixtures are chemicals of both natural and artifical origin. These additives are found in liquid and solid form. Also, the large number of species is explained by their various characteristics. For this reason, it is necessary to be able to correctly select the required concrete admixture during any construction process.

As we have mentioned, concrete admixtures are divided into several types and give additional properties to the concrete separately. 

The following additives are mainly used to increase the quality and durability of concrete during construction:
  • Anti-frost additives;
  • Plasticizers;
  • Additives to maintain the mobility of concrete;
  • Modifiers;
  • Additives to make concrete more durable;
  • Hydrophobizators;
  • Condensing additives, etc.

Today, it is difficult to imagine the production of high quality concrete mortar without concrete admixtures. If in the last century it was not possible to carry out construction work at temperatures below minus 5 degrees, today, thanks to the use of special additives, even in very cold weather, concrete hardens perfectly. This means that concrete admixtures allow the use of concrete mortar at any time, regardless of the ambient temperature. Also, thanks to antifreeze concrete additives, concrete can be used in underwater buildings, reservoirs and stations, pools, etc. can be used in the construction of buildings.

 Today, the sale of concrete admixtures has a special place in the construction market of our country. It is recommended that anyone who wants their building to be durable should use concrete admixtures. Concrete admixtures are sold in the market both retail and wholesale. The price of concrete admixtures is affordable and fits the budget of each customer.


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