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Silicone emulsions (0 listing)


Silicone emulsions are products with unique properties. These emulsions differ from others by their high quality and are able to significantly extend the service life of the mechanisms. Silicone emulsions are mainly used to improve the performance of mineral insulation materials.

Silicone products are highly resistant to sudden temperature changes and the effects of various substances, and therefore are used in many industries. In addition, this material has a number of other properties. Thus, silicone emulsions are widely used in the manufacture of glass, various fabrics, ceramics and paper products.

Silicone emulsions also help in the production of lubricants that do not lag behind petroleum oils. 

In addition, silicone emulsions have the following properties:
  • Does not contain alkyl phenol ethoxylates;
  • Does not pose a threat to the human body;
  • Provides antistatic properties to the surface;
  • It is affordable, convenient and safe to use;
  • Explosion-proof and has no toxic effects on the human body;
  • Heat resistant ;
  • Remains unchanged when mixed with up to 2% of solution;
  • Unstable weather conditions durable and so on. 

Silicone emulsion is sold at low prices in many outlets in Baku. As mentioned above, these products can be used for different surfaces and prices can vary depending on the product. However, you can get the most affordable silicone emulsion by looking at the ads in the online catalog.

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