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Plumbing (4 listing)


Plumbing fixtures are an integral part of any bathroom. This equipment depends on the work they do, the material they are made of, the price, and so on. are divided into several types depending on other features. When choosing bathroom items, you need to pay attention to their quality, compatibility and good looks. For this reason, it is advisable to know exactly what types of quality plumbing equipment are widely used in our time.

Thus, the most common plumbing fixtures today are shower baths and cabins, smestitels, toilets, hand and face washers, bowls, faucets, bidets and bidet accessories. Shower baths and cabins on this list are becoming increasingly popular. These baths also differ in size and price.

In addition, plumbing patterns can vary depending on the materials from which they are made. Thus, plumbing is mainly made of steel or cast iron. Tiles and other ceramic and porcelain materials for plumbing are widely used to make toilets and bowls. Metal is used for the production of baths and smestitels. Pipes are made of natural plastic.

When we say plumbing, the first thing that comes to mind is white, and it is not surprising that this color is widely used in plumbing. However, due to the fact that our time requires originality and innovation, it is now possible to come across plumbing equipment in different colors.

Today, plumbing is no longer just about the examples mentioned above. This includes saunas and Jacuzzis. Both of these patterns are ideal for relaxing after a hard day's work or a stressful day. At present, ready-made sauna systems are sold in the construction market.

Thus, these saunas can be installed anywhere in the house, and there are several types:
  • Tub-shaped saunas;
  • Cabin-shaped saunas;
  • One-person cabin-shaped saunas;
  • Saunas with glass doors ;
  • Saunas with windows;
  • Saunas with pools;
  • Infrared saunas.

Massage and relaxation Jacuzzis help to cope with many problems such as chronic fatigue, stress and insomnia. It is possible to get a Jacuzzi from the country's construction market at a reasonable, even low price. In addition, there are a number of lucrative offers on the construction market in general, from the sale of bowls to the sale of a number of modern plumbing fixtures.

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