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Grapple suspensions


Grapple suspensions are lifting equipment themselves. With the help of these suspensions, the load is lifted from one place to another. The mechanism of these suspensions can be cable or hydraulic. It should be noted that each of these two types has individual characteristics. So, while cable suspensions are more efficient, hydraulic suspensions are faster and quieter.

These suspensions are used to lift, move and transport metal and bulk materials, pipes, trousers and other materials that are not damaged during transportation. Suspensions, in turn, can be double-sided and multi-sided. Lifting and loading bulk materials of the gravel type using double-articulated suspensions and bulky goods using multi-articulated suspensions. Also, grapple hooks are indispensable when carrying large and heavy loads.

Suspensions are held during loading in an open, closed and semi-closed form. Open suspensions shows better results when working with bulky materials. The closed form is intended for packaged products or small waste. Thanks to the semi-closed form of suspensions, universal loads are lifted.

In addition, drilling and hoisting suspensions differ in travel, steering and grab loading. For this reason, before buying or ordering a handrail, it is advisable to find out what kind of suspension you need and on what equipment it will work.

We must not forget that the efficiency of work always depends on the correct choice of special equipment and its parts. For example, grapple hooks can handle tasks of loading and unloading up to 1 ton of cargo in less than an hour.

The use of clamshell suspensions as a loader significantly increases the efficiency of the work performed. For this reason, these hangers are an invaluable piece of equipment for both large-scale construction and agriculture.

A number of suitable proposals are currently being offered for the sale and order of grapple suspensions in Azerbaijan. Thus, you can choose from different hook manufacturers on the market with different functions and capabilities. In our country, the prices for grab pendants are not very high and correspond to the budgets of buyers.

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